Lixia Search

Search Bar for Your Website

Add search to your website today.

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Why Lixia Search


Boost User Satisfaction

Website visitors want search. Give it to them with Lixia Search.


Learn What Your Users Want

Discover what your visitors are actively seeking with Lixia Search Analytics.


Simple Setup

Get a powerful search bar on your site in minutes.




  • For websites up to 50 pages
  • 100k search queries / month
  • Best-in-class support
  • Limited Analytics
  • Branded results
  • Limited styling



  • For websites up to 5k pages
  • 500k search queries / month
  • Best-in-class support
  • Analytics
  • Lixia Search logo removal
  • Custom styling



  • For websites up to 50k pages
  • 2M search queries / month
  • Best-in-class support
  • Analytics
  • Lixia Search logo removal
  • Custom styling

Prices are in USD

Take Your Search to the Next Level

Lixia Search is your trusted partner for building exceptional search experiences. Whether you're looking for a pre-built solution or require custom development to perfectly match your needs, our team is here to help.

Expert Support: Our dedicated support team is readily available to answer your questions and assist you with implementation.

Custom Development: Don't see a plan that perfectly aligns with your vision? Our development team can create a custom search solution tailored to your specific requirements.

Contact Us!

Let's discuss how Lixia Search can elevate your search experience. Reach out to our team at